I was somehow invited to a RAA* meeting after buying my Lazair*2.
Most of the other people had homebuilt or certified planes and or
planned to build a plane. So I felt a little intimidated and out of
place with my wee 18 HP ultralight.
After the meeting I went up to join that local chapter of the RAA.
The recording secretary told me to talk to him after he was
finished doing club business, because he had a Lazair. WOW.
It turned out Bill had a Lazair and a Zenith 250. He became my
number one mentor. He helped me transport it to the field and assemble
the plane. He helped me tune the engines(twin), adjust the carborators,
and get familar with its characteristics. Taxing a Lazair is harder than
driving a big truck.
Over several years he encouraged me, kicked butt and rode shotgun on
flights. He and our friend George took me on my first cross country
trip to a fly-in northwest of Ottawa, at Arnprior, Ontario.
He has flown in to the airport where I now live to bring some cheer
and enthusiasm. And I will no doubt remember stuff to fill in...
hum his 100 mile cross country in a Lazair. Carp to Alexandria.
Bill now flies an RV8 (and his Lazair).
He is a guy who shares confidence and courage